Commission puts forward commitments to reach global targets in sustainable urban development

The New Urban Agenda, adopted at the U.N. Habitat III Conference taking place this week in Quito, Ecuador, contains guidelines to make cities all over the world more inclusive, green, safe and prosperous. U.N. Habitat partners, including the EU and its Member States, presented commitments to implement the New Urban Agenda, each with a specific scope and expected achievements and deliverables. The EU’s three commitments are: 1 – Delivering the New Urban Agenda through the Urban Agenda for the EU 2 – Developing a global, harmonised definition of cities and 3 – Fostering cooperation between cities in the field of sustainable urban development. A full press release is available here. Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Creţu said: “Our commitments are building on the EU’s experience in urban policy over the years, with programmes and projects that have delivered. It is time to extend their concept beyond the EU’s borders. It will put the EU at the forefront of the global efforts to harness the power of rapid urbanisation, and turn it into opportunities for jobs, growth and improved quality of life for all.”