Better Regulation: the Commission has published the 2019 Annual Burden Survey

The Commission has published the 2019 Annual Burden Survey , the annual overview of the European Union’s efforts to simplify EU legislation, avoid overregulation and reduce regulatory burdens. The annual surveys are part of the Better Regulation Agenda and Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme (REFIT) launched in 2012. The 2019 survey presents initiatives focussing on burden reduction in different policy areas as well as the final report of the REFIT Platform. Overall, in 2019, 31 initiatives with a simplification and burden reduction objective were adopted; 14 evaluations and fitness checks were finalised; 79 initiatives are still pending adoption; and no less than 49 evaluations were ongoing. Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President for Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight, said: “Given the devastating impact of COVID-19 on people and businesses, it is more important than ever to legislate in the most efficient way and with the future in mind. This is particularly crucial for Europe’s recovery. We will therefore continue reinforcing our efforts under better regulation – to ensure that EU legislation remains forward-looking, targeted and easy to comply with at a minimum cost.” Based on the progress achieved so far, the Commission will continue to improve its efforts to remove red tape. In May 2020, the Commission launched a new high-level group, called the Fit for Future Platform, that it is going to support the Commission’s work on simplification and burden reduction, paying special attention to any digitalisation potential. It replaces the REFIT Platform and builds on its experiences. The ‘Have-Your-Say’ portal for public consultations received a makeover to make easier for people to share what they think about the Commission’s legislative proposals. The Commission will present in autumn its proposals to further simplify EU legislation and improve the transparency of the legislative process. It will also introduce the ‘One-in, One-out’ approach aiming to offset any new burden for citizens and businesses resulting from new legislative by removing an equivalent existing burden in the same policy area. These measures will support the Commission’s ambition to achieve its environmental, digital and social policy objectives at minimum costs and with the broad involvement of citizens and businesses