Border management: Commission adopts model agreements for cooperation between Frontex and non-EU countries

Yesterday, the Commission adopted 2 model agreements and working arrangements for cooperation on border management between Frontex and partners  outside the EU. The model for status agreements allows for the deployment of Frontex border management teams to partners outside the EU, in particular to neighbouring countries as well as to other countries of origin or transit. The model for working arrangementssets out a framework for operational cooperation between Frontex and border management authorities in partner countries. The Commission has negotiated status agreements with 5 neighbouring countries (3 of them are in force), and Frontex currently has working arrangements with 18 partners. The current European Border and Coast Guard Regulation, requires future status agreements and working arrangements to be based on these models. In line with the approach set out in the New Pact on Migration and Asylum and in the Schengen Strategy, strong, comprehensive, mutually beneficial and tailor-made partnerships contribute to strengthened border management cooperation, an inherent component of European Integrated Border Management.