COLLEGE MEETING: European Commission appoints temporary Hors Classe Adviser in the Secretariat-General and new Head of Representation in Austria


The European Commission has today decided to appoint Mr Martin Selmayr to the temporary function of Hors Classe Adviser in the Secretariat-General as of 1 August 2019 and as the new Head of its Representation in Vienna, Austria as of 1 November 2019. In his capacity as Hors Classe Adviser, Mr Selmayr will continue to advise President Jean-Claude Juncker on important strategic matters until 31 October 2019. The President and the entire College paid tribute to Mr Selmayr’s outstanding qualities and achievements. They thanked him for his effective management of the Juncker Commission, first as Head of Cabinet of the President, and then as Secretary-General, his strong commitment to the Community method and his extraordinary sense of duty.
