COLLEGE MEETING: Four Senior Managements positions

Today, the European Commission has decided to transfer Mr Bernard Magenhann, currently Deputy Director-General in the Directorate-General for Human Resources and Security (HR) to the function of Deputy Director-General in charge of Directorates C, G, R in the Joint Research Centre (JRC). The date of effect will be 16 May 2020. Mr Magenhann held numerous positions in the European Commission such as Head of Unit of the Internal Audit Service, Head of Unit in DG HR and Director of Resources Management and Optimisation in the Directorate-General for Informatics (DIGIT). The European Commission also decided to appoint Mr Frantisek Bernadic as Director of “Macro-economic statistics” in DG Eurostat (ESTAT). Mr Bernadic is currently Vice-President of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic since 2007. Before he has held numerous positions in official statistics, both inside and outside Slovakia. Furthermore, Mr Franck Noël was appointed today as Director of “Information management” in the Publications Office of the European Union (OP). Mr Noël is currently Principal Manager in the European Court of Auditors. Before, he held numerous positions in the European Commission, notably as Head of section and Deputy Head of Unit of the DG DIGIT. Then, Mr Waldemar Kütt was appointed as Principal Adviser in DG Research and Innovation (RTD). Mr Kütt will be seconded from this Principal Adviser function to the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA) in Brussels where he will exercise the role of Director of the Executive Agency. His mandate as Director of the Agency runs for four years and may be extended once. Mr Kütt has joined DG RTD in 1997, served two Research Commissioners (Potocnik and Geoghegan-Quinn) from 2008-2015 and recently held several Head of Unit positions in the Bioeconomy Directorate of DG RTD. The date of effect of these three appointments still needs to be determined.