Commission launches Circular Plastics Alliance to foster the market of recycled plastics in Europe

Today, the European Commission launches an alliance of key industry stakeholders as part of its persisting efforts to reduce plastics littering, increase the share of recycled plastics and stimulate market innovation.

The Circular Plastics Alliance will be a high-level, multi-stakeholder platform gathering key industry stakeholders covering the full plastics value chain – from waste collectors to recyclers and primary producers to converters, brand owners and retailers – including in particular the packaging, construction and automotive sectors. First Vice-President Frans Timmermans, responsible for sustainable development, said: “Close cooperation within and between all the links in the plastics value chain is essential if we are to achieve a true circular plastics economy and ensure that recycled plastics find their way to new products, instead of into landfills or the incinerators. Europe already leads in this, and Europe will be the first one to reap the benefits as well. This is the best way to show the world that circular plastic economy is good for the business and good for the environment.” Launching the Circular Plastics Alliance, Vice-President Jyrki Katainen, responsible for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, said: “Business understands this is an opportunity to innovate and to become global frontrunners in new technology and materials, in line with circular economy logic. The platform that we are setting up today will encourage cooperation and dialogue between market operators, both on the supply and the demand side, so that we can together build a well-functioning market for recycled plastics.” With this new initiative, the Commission wants to contribute to the objective of achieving at least 10 million tons of recycled plastics into new products on the EU market by 2025 as set in the European Strategy for Plastics, after industry representatives submitted voluntary pledges earlier this year. The Alliance will pursue three main operational objectives: fostering short-term, voluntary and coordinated actions and investments by key industry stakeholders; reporting on the obstacles which may hamper stakeholders’ efforts; and monitoring progress made towards more plastics recycling. A press release is available online.