Commission seeks views on provisions to implement the Net-Zero Industry Act

The Commission has opened a series of calls for public feedback on four pieces of draft secondary legislation to implement the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA), whose objective is to boost the competitiveness of the clean tech sector across Europe.
The three implementing and one delegated acts will support businesses and public authorities in identifying the types of projects that can qualify for faster permitting processes and the “net-zero strategic project” status. They will help ensure that the implementation of the NZIA is consistent and transparent across Member States, notably thanks to a series of common assessment criteria, as well as a list of the components of the key clean technologies that are automatically supported by the regulation.
These acts also set out a list of main components, the supply of which will have to be diversified as part of public procurement, auctions for green power and other support schemes, in those cases where the EU is highly dependent on a single source of their supply. For renewable energy auctions, these acts further define non-price criteria such as sustainability, resilience, cybersecurity, and timely delivery. This will be key not only to support the EU’s efforts to diversify its sources of supply for technologies enabling decarbonisation, but also to foster production in the domestic clean energy sector and further attract clean investments to Europe.
The consultations are available on the Have Your Say Portal. This input will feed into the Commission’s preparation of the acts, which will need to be voted by the Member States, for the implementing acts, and pass the scrutiny by the European Parliament and Council, for the delegated act, before being fully adopted.