Commission supports European photovoltaic manufacturing industry with new Solar Charter

The European Commission has stepped up its efforts to support the solar sector in Europe by promoting the signature of a European Solar Charter with EU Member States and industry representatives. In the margins of the first day of the informal Energy Council yesterday, Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, Ministers from 23 EU countries and several sector representatives signed the new Charter.

Speaking at the signature ceremony, the Commissioner said: The solar photovoltaic manufacturing sector is key for achieving our energy-, climate and competitiveness goals. We must ensure the solar industry remains strong for Europe’s future, renewables-centred energy mix. The European Solar Charter brings together the Commission, national authorities and the industry, fostering cooperation and bringing support to the production of solar panels made in Europe.” Her full speech is available online.

The Charter sets out a series of voluntary commitments to support the EU photovoltaic manufacturing sector. It marks the latest step in the Commission’s actions to support the solar panel manufacturing in Europe, following a proposal for a Net-Zero Industry Act, which is now provisionally agreed by the co-legislators, and the establishment of the European Solar Photovoltaic Industry Alliance.

It will help ensure that the green transition and Europe’s industrial goals go hand in hand by accelerating thedeployment of renewables, while at the same time enhancing the competitiveness of the sector and the creation of green jobs.