Commissioner Breton hosts high-level ministerial meeting on the Net-Zero Industry Act

This afternoon, Commissioner Breton will host a high-level meeting with ministers and other Member States’ representatives to discuss the implementation steps of the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA). The Commissioner and ministers will address the implementation of the first key deliverables of the Act. This includes discussions on setting up the Net-Zero Europe Platform as the governance structure for NZIA, and creating the system for projects to apply for strategic project status. In addition, the discussion will focus on the setting up of Single Points of Contact to facilitate faster and more efficient permitting as well as the processes related to facilitating public procurement provisions. Representatives from industry have also been invited to share their views on the role of the Net Zero Industry Act in their efforts to invest in clean tech manufacturing projects.

Following the final agreement agreement on the NZIA between the European Parliament and Council on 6 February 2024, the Act is expected to enter into force at the end of June 2024. NZIA is Europe’s key regulatory framework to help the EU move towards a decarbonised and resilient energy system, built around a strong, domestic supply of net-zero technologies.