Commissioner Gabriel participates in European Researchers’ Night 2020
©European Union, 2019, Source: EC - Audiovisual ServiceThe 15th edition of European Researchers’ Night, the largest research communication and promotion event in Europe, takes place this evening, Friday, 27 November. Events will be organised in 388 cities in 29 countries, giving people the chance to discover science in a fun way. They will take place physically, virtually, or in a hybrid way, in accordance with national measures in place in response to the current pandemic. Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, will give opening speeches at events in Sofia, Bulgaria and Perugia, Italy. Ahead of this evening’s proceedings, she said: “It is fundamental to make science and research accessible to all and to show the impact of science in citizens’ daily lives. This is why the European Researchers’ Night is so important: it is an event open to all, even accessible from home this year. It showcases research projects and their results in an entertaining way and is a great opportunity to discover and engage with real-life researchers and experts in their respective fields.” European Researchers’ Night is funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and in 2020, projects focus mainly on environment, sustainability and climate change.