Commissioner Várhelyi travels to the Western Balkans to discuss the Economic and Investment Plan and Enlargement package

© European Union, 2021, Source: EC - Audiovisual Service, Olivér Várhelyi© European Union, 2021, Source: EC - Audiovisual Service, Olivér Várhelyi

Neighbourhood and Enlargement Commissioner, Olivér Várhelyi, travels to the Western Balkans today to discuss the Economic and Investment Plan to boost the economic recovery of the region and convergence with the EU and  the 2020 Enlargement package, the annual reports assessing reforms in the different partner countries and the steps ahead, adopted by the College yesterday. This Wednesday, the Commissioner will first visit Skopje, where he will meet both President Pendarovski, Prime Minister Zaev, the leaders of opposition parties and will give a speech to the Parliament. Then, still the same day, he will visit Tirana and meet President Meta, Prime Minister Rama and opposition leaders, and also address the Parliament. The Commissioner will then move on to Kosovo and Serbia on Thursday. In Pristina, Commissioner Várhelyi will meet Prime Minister Hoti and other cabinet ministers, as well as opposition leaders. He will also address the Assembly and will then travel to Belgrade, where he will meet President Vučić, Prime Minister designate Brnabić, and opposition representatives, and will give a speech in front of Serbia’s national convention on the EU. Commissioner Várhelyi will finish the trip with visits in Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). In Podgorica, on Friday, he will meet President Đukanović, the newly appointed Parliament Speaker Bečić, as well as the Prime Minister designate Krivokapić and URA leader Abazović. He will also address the newly constituted Parliament. Closing the visit in Sarajevo, he will meet the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH Tegeltija, as well as the Minister of Security Cikotić, and participate in a joint collegium of House of Representatives and the House of Peoples. Audiovisual coverage will be available on EbS.