Declaration by the High Representative, on behalf of the European Union, on the latest developments in Venezuela

The latest developments have further deepened the long-lasting institutional and political crisis in Venezuela and reduced the democratic and constitutional space in the country.  

On May 26, Venezuela’s Supreme Court ratified Luis Parra as President of the National Assembly. As stated previously, the EU considers that the voting session that led to the “election” of Luis Parra was not legitimate. It did not respect legal procedure nor democratic constitutional principles. The EU continues to fully support Juan Guaidó as President of the National Assembly. It strongly rejects the violations of the democratic, constitutional and transparent functioning of the National Assembly, as well as the intimidations, violence and arbitrary decisions against its Members.

Venezuela’s chief prosecutor’s appeal to the Supreme Court to determine whether the political party “Voluntad Popular” is a terrorist organisation is also a step in wrong direction. Futhermore, the increasing political repression and deterioration of human rights situation remain unacceptable.  

At the same time, the EU reiterates that a sustainable way out of the Venezuelan crisis can only be achieved through a genuine and inclusive political process that leads to free and fair presidential elections. We reject all types of violence, including any military or violent incursion in the country, and insist on the need for an urgent peaceful and democratic solution.

To that end, all sides need to show genuine engagement in an inclusive negotiation process and to work together and constructively on alleviating the dramatic suffering of the Venezuelan people that is being aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this context, the recent agreement between national actors on humanitarian assistance is a positive step.

The EU remains fully committed to continue to step-up its efforts in support of a negotiated electoral path, including through the International Contact Group. To this end, a meeting of the ICG will be conveyed in the shortest possible time. The EU will continue to respond to the most urgent needs of Venezuelans, including by mobilising international assistance.