Detailed schedule for hearings of the Commissioners-designate adopted

The Conference of Presidents (EP President and leaders of political groups) on Thursday decided on the detailed calendar of hearings of the Commissioners-designate.

The hearings will start on 30 September and last until 8 October. The detailed schedule of which Commissioner-designate will be heard by which committees and at which time slot can be found here.

In addition to the hearings, the Conference of Presidents will hold an exchange of views with the three Executive Vice-Presidents shortly after the hearings have finished.

The hearings will be followed by meetings in which the Chair and group representatives (coordinators) of the various committees will evaluate the performance of the Commissioners-designate.

On 15 October, the Conference of Committee Chairs will assess the outcome of all hearings and forward its conclusions to the Conference of Presidents. The latter will conduct the final evaluation and decide whether to close the hearings in its meeting on 17 October.

Plenary vote on 23 October

The full Commission needs to be elected by a simple majority of the votes cast in Plenary, by roll call. The vote is set to take place on 23 October.