EU and Greenland sign a new Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement

Yesterday, the EU and Greenland signed a new Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement (SFPA) and a Protocol that will strengthen their cooperation in the fisheries field for the next four years with the possibility of a two-year extension. The agreement marks a new step in the long-standing relation between the EU and Greenland in fisheries. It reiterates and emphasises the two parties’ joint commitment to sustainable use of marine resources. This agreement will allow the EU fleet to continue fishing in Greenland’s waters for a duration of four to six years while continuing to contribute to the development of the fisheries’ sector in Greenland. The agreement defines the fishing opportunities for the same species as in the previous protocol (cod, redfish, Greenland halibut, Northern prawn, capelin and grenadier). Mackerel has also been included in the agreement at a zero Total Allowable Catch (TAC) level. In exchange for access to their waters, the total financial contribution to Greenland for the whole duration of the protocol, including EU financial contribution and EU ship-owners fees, is  estimated at €130 million. A significant part of this contribution is earmarked to promote the development of the fisheries sector in Greenland. The new Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement signed yesterday will substantially reinforce cooperation on monitoring, control and surveillance of fishing activities. The agreement is based on the principles of the Common Fisheries Policy and complies with Greenland’s legislation, the management and scientific measures taken in the context of international organisations. More information is in the news item.