EU Industrial Forum takes forward the Industrial Strategy agenda

Today, the Commission is convening the second meeting of the EU Industrial Forum, an open and inclusive consultative body that supports the Commission in the implementation of the Industrial Strategy. The Forum gathers to discuss actions foreseen in the European Industrial Strategy as updated in May 2021, in particular the development of transition pathways to help accelerate the green and digital transformations of our industry while increasing its resilience, and support further analysis of Europe’s strategic dependencies. Today’s discussion focuses on the tourism ecosystem and the Forum’s work programme for the next years. Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager and Commissioner Thierry Breton are attending the Industrial Forum. The Forum consists of a wide array of stakeholders, including industry – SMEs and big companies, Member States, NGOs, research institutions and social partners representing different industrial ecosystems. The objective of the Forum is to deepen the systematic analyses of industrial ecosystems presented in the Updated Industrial Strategy and identify cross-border and cross-ecosystem investment needs and cooperation opportunities. The Forum aims at helping the Commission to deliver on transition pathways in different ecosystems, starting with priority ones identified by the Commission, namely tourism, energy-intensive industries, construction and mobility ecosystems. In addition, the Forum aims to support a better understanding of the strategic dependencies and vulnerabilities in the EU economy, tapping into the expertise of all its members. To this end, the Commission is setting up a dedicated and open collaborative workspace online, inviting all stakeholders to submit contributions relevant to the work of the Forum.