EU launches a €10.5 million call for projects in cybersecurity

The Commission has launched a new call, worth €10.5 million through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme, for projects that will work on stepping up Europe’s cybersecurity capabilities and cooperation across Member States. In particular, they will work in various areas, such as on coordinated response to cybersecurity incidents, cybersecurity certification, capacity building and institutional cooperation on cybersecurity matters, as well as cooperation between the public and the private sector. Thierry Breton, Commissioner for the Internal Market, said: “Supporting concrete projects in the area of cybersecurity helps advance innovative technologies and solutions in a targeted way. The call launched today will contribute to strengthening our resilience against cyber threats, in line with our digital ambitions in Europe and our overall strategy comprising theCybersecurity Act, the NIS Directive and the Cyber Blueprint Recommendations”. The deadline for applicants to submit their proposal on the 2020 CEF Telecom Calls web page is 5 November 2020 and the allocation of grants is expected to be announced as of May 2021.More information on the new call is available here. More information on the EU’s actions to strengthen cybersecurity capacities is available in these questions & answers, while EU-funded cybersecurity projects can be found here.