EU ministers discussed Mediterranean migration



Home affairs ministers discussed the state of play and next steps in the field of migration and in particular regarding the Mediterranean. They took stock of events over the summer and focused on a number of issues where further action is needed at EU level.

They covered the comprehensive response to the migratory flows in the Central Mediterranean, which over the last months has resulted in a lower number of arrivals, as well as work in other areas such as the return of irregular migrants and cooperation with third countries.

“The decrease in arrivals in recent months in the Central Mediterranean represents a positive trend, but we are not there yet. We must now continue to work to ensure that this remains the case along all routes. That means cooperation with third countries, implementing return policy and supporting transit countries like Libya.
No country in European Union should be left alone in dealing with large flows of irregular migration. We therefore need to become more efficient in identifying those who are genuinely in need of international protection and return those who do not have the right to stay in Europe.”

Andres Anvelt, Estonian Minister of the Interior