Eurogroup and Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) informal meetings, 11 – 12 September 2020

Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis, Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni and Commissioner Johannes Hahn will represent the Commission at this week’s Eurogroup and Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) meetings in Berlin on Friday and Saturday. The Eurogroup meeting will exchange views on the current economic situation in the euro area, with a focus on the 2021 fiscal stance. It will also hold a thematic discussion on facilitating the introduction of reforms, maximising their impact and ensuring efficient deployment of public resources in the context of the recovery. Continuing in an inclusive format, the Eurogroup will take stock of ongoing work on the Banking Union. Commissioner Gentiloni will represent the Commission at the press conference, which follows the meeting. The press conference will be live-streamed here. At the beginning of the informal Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) meeting, Ministers will participate in a working session on how to implement Europe’s recovery, where they will take stock of the recovery measures and discuss the way forward. This point will be followed by a session on the EU’s Own Resources, taken by Commissioner Hahn, and how to work towards a fit-for-purpose fiscal architecture in the 21st century. On Saturday, they will debate next steps towards achieving fair and effective taxation. In a separate session, ministers will exchange views on the different facets of the changes to competition in times of big data and the consequences for the economy, society, and policymakers in the digital age. Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis will represent the Commission at the press conference, which follows the meeting. The press conference will be live-streamed here.