European Agenda on Security: First report on progress towards an effective and genuine Security Union

Today the European Commission is presenting the first in a series of monthly reports on progress made towards an effective and genuine Security Union. The report outlines the Commission’s efforts in the fight against terrorism, organised crime and cybercrime and the work undertaken to strengthen the EU’s resilience against these threats. It also highlights the priority areas where more work is needed and sets out concrete operational measures for the months to come. Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos said: “The fragmentation of our security framework makes us all vulnerable. The dots have to be connected within and between Member States, but also between Member States and EU Agencies, and between the different security and border management systems. The internal security of one Member State is the internal security of all. In this rapidly changing security environment, delivering on a genuine and effective Security Union means delivering on all elements.” Commissioner for the Security Union, Julian King said: “Terrorists don’t target one Member State or another. They target our way of life, our openness, our future. Our response needs to be comprehensive and sustainable, building on trust and the effective cooperation between institutions and Member States.”