European Commission and European Investment Bank present guidance paper on the Eurostat treatment of Public Private Partnerships

Today in Brussels, the European Commission and European Investment Bank published a new Guide to the Statistical Treatment of Public Private Partnerships. Investment is a key priority for the Commission and Public-Private Partnerships, PPPs, are expected to play an important role in getting Europe’s investment in infrastructure back on track. The public sector’s decision to procure projects as PPPs, however, is often influenced by expectations as to their statistical treatment – in particular the impact on government debt and deficit figures. While the Guide does not change the rules used by Eurostat in classifying PPPs, it analyses the most common features of current PPP contracts in the light of these rules and gives a clear overview of their potential impact on government finances. The guide will help Member States and other PPP stakeholders to better understand the impact that the features of PPP contracts have on government balance sheets and will assist public authorities in taking well-informed decisions when preparing and procuring their PPPs. Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, and responsible for Eurostat, Marianne Thyssen, said: “I am very pleased to launch this new “Guide to the Statistical Treatment of PPPs”. It is aimed at all stakeholders – both public and private sector – involved in commissioning, financing and undertaking PPPs, and it will assist both public and private authorities in taking well-informed decisions when using PPPs, with a clear understanding of their impact on Government balance sheets. I hope this new Guide will facilitate project promoters considering applying for EFSI support under the Investment Plan.” Commissioner Thyssen and EIB Vice-President Jan Vapaavuori made a press statement that can be watched on EbS.