European Parliament Agenda – The Week Ahead
Committees meetings, Brussels
Eurozone/Greece. The agreement between Greece and its creditors on the new financial assistance programme will be discussed by members of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee with Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem. (Tuesday)
Eurozone/Draghi. European Central Bank President Mario Draghi will come to the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee to discuss the state of the monetary union. (Wednesday)
Taxation. Finance ministers from Luxembourg, Germany, Italy, France and Spain will debate their countries’ corporate tax provisions and Commission proposals in the field of taxation with members of the Special Committee on Tax Rulings. (Tuesday)
Migration. The new Commission proposals to address the migration and refugee crisis, including a permanent mechanism for relocating asylum seekers within the EU and a common EU list of safe countries of origin, will be debated for the first time by the Civil Liberties Committee., Parliament and Council will decide on an equal footing on these two draft laws. MEPs will also debate the situation at the Schengen area’s internal borders with the Commission. (Tuesday)
Climate change/COP21. Parliament’s position on the December Paris climate change conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP21), where a new global agreement should be reached, will be outlined by the Environment Committee. The resolution, which will need to be approved by Parliament as a whole, will constitute the mandate for the 15 MEPs delegated to attend the COP21. (Wednesday)
TTIP/ISDS. The Commission’s proposed revision of the investment protection chapter of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) being negotiated with the USA, will be debated by the International Trade Committee. In July, Parliament asked for a new legal system to replace the “investor-state dispute settlement” (ISDS) provisions, so that disputes can be handled “in a transparent manner”, by “publicly appointed, independent professional judges” and “in public hearings”. (Monday)
Ban on trade in torture tools. An update of the EU “anti-torture regulation”, which controls trade in tools or substances that can be misused, to torture or kill, is up for a vote in the International Trade Committee. The proposed overhaul would introduce a new “urgency procedure” for updating the list of prohibited goods and substances as soon as a third country starts to misuse them (e.g. in lethal injections for capital punishment). (Tuesday)
President’s agenda. President’s agenda. President Schulz will be in Paris to meet France’s President François Hollande, on Monday. On Wednesday, he will address the extraordinary European Council on the refugee crisis. On Thursday, Mr Schulz will meet European Council President Donald Tusk and the Turkish Republican People’s Party (CHP) President Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu.
Press briefing. The EP Press Service will hold a press briefing on the week’s activities at 11.00 on Monday, in the “Anna Politkovskaya” EP press conference room, Brussels. Journalists can use #EPressbriefing to put questions on committees’ work before and during the briefing.
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