Forward look: 19 September 2022 – 2 October 2022

General Affairs Council, 20 September 2022

Ministers will focus on preparations for the October European Council, rule of law, follow-up to the Conference on the Future of Europe and plans for legislative work.

Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 26 September 2022

EU agriculture ministers will meet in Brussels to discuss the situation of agricultural production and logistics in Ukraine and transport routes to the EU. For this discussion they will be joined by Mykola Solsky, Ukrainian Minister for Agrarian Policy and Food. Ministers will moreover exchange views on fishing opportunities for next year, including on fish stocks shared with the United Kingdom and EU-Norway annual consultations for 2023.

Competitiveness Council (Internal market and industry), 29 September 2022

Competitiveness ministers responsible for internal market and industry will meet in Brussels to discuss the single market emergency instrument (SMEI) and the ecodesign for sustainable products regulation (ESPR).

Extraordinary Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Energy), 30 September 2022

EU energy ministers will aim to reach a political agreement on a proposal for a Council regulation on an emergency intervention to address high energy prices.