Joint Statement of the Co-Presidents of the ACP- EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly

© European Union, 2020, Source: Council of the EU – Audiovisual resources© European Union, 2020, Source: Council of the EU – Audiovisual resources

Joint Statement of the Co-Presidents of the ACP – EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly on maintaining the Joint Assembly in the future Partnership Agreement.

The Co-Presidents of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly (JPA), Mr Carlos Zorrinho, MEP and Mr Faumuina Liuga, MP of Samoa, welcome the progress made so far by the chief negotiators on post-Cotonou negotiations. They take note that efforts are underway to conclude these negotiations and remain optimistic that the proposed new agreement will contribute to meeting the aspirations of the people of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific and EU citizens.

The Co-Presidents of the JPA recall the critical role played by the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly in advancing the democratic ideals of the Partnership, improving accountability, consolidating parliamentary diplomacy and facilitating joint action and to build effective coalitions in international fora.

In this regard, the Co-Presidents welcome the support given by the German Presidency of the Council of the EU for maintaining the Joint Parliamentary Assembly in the post- Cotonou Agreement. They recall that an ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, as part of the institutional framework of the future agreement, is foreseen in the negotiating mandate of the ACP states and defined as a “non-negotiable request in terms of the European Parliament giving its consent to the future agreement”. They reiterate the need to ensure that this JPA should be organisationally autonomous, be supported by a strong co-secretariat and meet at regular intervals.

The Co-Presidents express their appreciation for the priority given by Germany to the forthcoming conclusion of the negotiations of a new agreement between the EU and the countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific, which will pave the way for the support of the agreement by the European Parliament and national parliaments.