More freedom for Member States to decide on the GMOs use for food & feed
Today the Commission presents the outcome of its review of the decision-making process for the authorisation of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) as food and feed. This review derives from the Political Guidelines presented to the European Parliament in July 2014, on the basis of which this Commission was elected. The review confirms the need for changes that reflect public views and allow national governments to have a greater say on the use of EU-authorised GMOs for animal (feed) or human (food) consumption. As a result of this review, the Commission proposes to amend the legislation to confer upon Member States more freedom to restrict, or prohibit the use of EU-authorised GMOs in food or feed on their territory. Today’s package on GMOs comprises the following documents: a Commission Communication reviewing the decision-making process on genetically modified organisms; and a proposal for a Regulation allowing Member States to restrict or prohibit the use of GMOs for food or feed purposes in their territory.