New committees begin their work

On Wednesday, Parliament’s new special committees, subcommittee and committee of inquiry held their constitutive meetings and elected their chairs and vice-chairs.

Special Committee on Foreign Interference in all Democratic Processes in the EU (INGE)

Chair: Raphaël GLUCKSMANN (S&D, FR)

1st Vice-Chair: Javier ZARZALEJOS (EPP, ES)

The other three vice-chairs will be elected at a later meeting.

The Special Committee on Foreign Interference in all Democratic Processes in the EU is composed of 33 members and is mandated to examine, among others, how outside manipulation and campaign financing affected elections in the EU and what the EU could do to counter disinformation.

You can follow all news about the special committee by signing up to its twitter account, @EP_Democracy

Special Committees on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age (AIDA)

Chair: Dragoş TUDORACHE (Renew/RO)

1st Vice-Chair: Miapetra KUMPULA-NATRI (S&D/FI)

2nd Vice-Chair: Geoffroy DIDIER (EPP/FR)

3rd Vice-Chair: Edina TÓTH (EPP/HU)

4th Vice-Chair : Birgit SIPPEL (S&D/DE)

The Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age is made up of 33 members. Its mandate is to analyse the future impact of artificial intelligence in the digital age on the EU economy, in particular on skills, employment, fintech, education, health, transport, tourism, agriculture, environment, defence, industry, energy and e-government.

You can follow all news about the special committee by signing up shortly to its twitter account, @EP_ArtifIntel

Special Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA)

Chair: Bartosz ARŁUKOWICZ (EPP, PL)

1st Vice-Chair: Joanna KOPCIŃSKA (ECR, PL)

2nd Vice-Chair: Sara CERDAS (S&D, PT)

3rd Vice-Chair: Nathalie COLIN-OESTERLÉ (EPP, FR)

4th Vice-Chair: Ivars IJABS (Renew Europe, LV)

The Special Committee on Beating Cancer is made up of 33 full members and is specifically tasked with evaluating opportunities for concrete EU action, identifying legislation and other measures that can help prevent and fight cancer.

You can follow all news about the special committee by signing up to its twitter account, @EP_Environment

Subcommittee on Tax Matters (FISC)

Chair: Paul TANG (S&D, NL)

1st Vice-Chair: Markus FERBER (EPP, DE)

2nd Vice-Chair: Martin HLAVACEK (Renew, CZ)

3rd Vice-Chair: Kira PETER-HANSEN(Greens, DK)

4th Vice-Chair: Othmar KARAS (EPP, AT)

The subcommittee on tax matters is composed of 30 members and its mandate instructs it to deal primarily with the fight against tax fraud, tax evasion and tax avoidance, as well as financial transparency for taxation purposes.

You can follow all news about the subcommittee by signing up to its twitter account, @EP_Taxation

Committee of Inquiry on Animal Transport (ANIT)

Chair: Tilly METZ (Greens/LU)

1st Vice-Chair: Marlene MORTLER (EPP/DE)

2nd Vice-Chair: Anja HAZEKAMP (GUE/NL)

3rd Vice-Chair: Mohammed CHAHIM (S&D/NL)

4th Vice-Chair : Martin HOJSÍK (Renew/SK)

The Animal Transport Inquiry Committee, made up of 30 full members, should investigate alleged violations in the application of EU law on the protection of animals during transport and related operations within and outside the EU. It will focus on how EU rules are being implemented by member states and whether the EU Commission is enforcing them properly.

You can follow all news about the inquiry committee by signing up to its twitter account,
