New Transitions Performance Index 2021: EU shows strong performance in its transition towards sustainability

The EU is a strong global performer in the transition towards fair and prosperous sustainability, with Denmark and Ireland leading the way, according to the second edition of the Transitions Performance Index(TPI) published today. The index reflects the path taken by various countries over the past decade towards inclusive and prosperous sustainability. It confirms that almost all EU countries have progressed well between 2011 and 2020 in their transitions performance, with an average rate of 4.9%, compared to the global average rate of 4.3%. Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, said: “Existing and emerging challenges require us to build a more resilient, sustainable, and inclusive society. The TPI can support the discussion, help us to reflect and change perceptions to steer our path towards that aim.  We must ensure our youth can look forward to a healthy, safe and innovative future.” The Transitions Performance Index ranks EU Member States and 45 other countries, representing 76% of the world population, on their performance between 2011 and 2020. It shows overall performance in four specific transitions – economic, social, environmental and governance – mirroring the EU policy agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. More information is available here.