Security Union: New EU-funded projects to protect public spaces against terrorist threats

The Commission is hosting tomorrow a public conference to present a selection of new EU-funded projects aiming to enhance the protection of public spaces against terrorist threats. The projects will look at different types of public spaces, including places of worship, public transport and major sports venues in 16 Member States. They were selected for funding under the Internal Security Fund – Police for a total amount of over €14 million and are now preparing to launch. During the event, project representatives will present the projects’ actions and expected outcomes to the members of the EU Forum on the protection of public spaces, bringing together national authorities and private operators, as well as to the general public. Enhancing the protection of public spaces against terrorist threats is a priority under the Counter-Terrorism Agenda for the EU presented at the end of last year. The event will take place virtually. You can follow it live here from 10:00 to 12:00 tomorrow.