Ten years of the European Asylum Support Office

Today, Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life, Margaritis Schinas, and Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, will give keynote speeches at the conference organised by the European Asylum Support Office to mark its 10-year anniversary. Since taking up its responsibilities in 2011, EASO has continuously supported Member States in applying EU asylum rules, by providing national country of origin information to encourage more uniform decisions, training and setting up dedicated networks of national authorities to enhance operational cooperation on asylum-related matters. In May 2021, the European Parliament and the Council reached an agreement to transform the European Asylum Support Office into a European Union Agency for Asylum,  a key initiative under the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. Held over two days, the conference will be an opportunity to discuss the Agency’s changing role over the past 10 years and what the future holds for international protection regimes as well as for the new European Union Agency for Asylum. The conference will bring together EU and international policy makers, politicians as well as representatives from UNHCR and civil society. More information can be found here with online registration for remote participation possible here.