The Week Ahead 06 – 12 July 2020

Plenary session

Angela Merkel/German Presidency
. On Wednesday from around 14.15, MEPs will debate with German Chancellor Angela Merkel the strategy and main goals of the German Presidency. Under the motto “Together for Europe’s recovery”, Germany will focus on the EU’s long-term budget (the MFF) as well as the Recovery Plan post COVID-19, on the future relationship with the UK, climate change, digitalisation, migration and Europe’s role in the world.

EU summits
. Looking back on the 19 June and forward to the 17 July EU summits, MEPs will convey their stance on future EU financing and economic recovery in a debate with Presidents von der Leyen and Michel (Wednesday).

Reform of road transport sector.
Parliament will have its final say on new rules on posting of drivers, drivers’ rest times and better enforcement of cabotage rules (transport of goods carried out by non-resident hauliers on a temporary basis). The reform will help to ensure fair remuneration for drivers, prevent systematic cabotage and fight the use of letterbox companies (vote Wednesday).

Public health strategy
. MEPs are to debate with Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides a much-needed overhaul of the EU’s public health policy to ensure that health systems across the EU are better equipped and coordinated to face future health threats (debate Wednesday, vote on resolution Friday).

Money laundering.
MEPs will discuss and vote on the Commission’s Action Plan on how to fight effectively against money laundering and terrorist financing. They are likely to address persistent shortcomings when it comes to identifying high-risk countries and letterbox or shell companies in the EU (debate Wednesday, vote on resolution Friday)


EU Green Deal/ Just Transition Fund
. The Regional Development Committee will vote on the setting up of the Just Transition Fund, the first legislative proposal to implement the priorities set out in the European Green Deal (Monday).

German Presidency
. Ministers will outline the priorities of the German Presidency to parliamentary committees, in a series of meetings. Germany will hold the Presidency of the Council of the EU until the end of 2020 (Monday and Tuesday).

Fighting fraud/OLAF
. A public hearing with the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) Director-General Ville Itälä and Chief European Public Prosecutor Laura Codruța Kövesi on OLAF case files, fighting fraud, corruption and other irregularities in the member states is organised by the Budgetary Control Committee (Monday).

President’s Diary.
EP President Sassoli will hold a webstreamed debate with French philosopher Edgar Morin and Italian author Roberto Saviano on “Europe, a new paradigm”, presented by Fabio Fazio, on Monday at 15.00. On Tuesday at 16.00, he will have a video meeting with the President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee, David Miliband. At 13.30 on Wednesday, President Sassoli will have a bilateral meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, before chairing the plenary debate on the German Presidency during which the German Chancellor will be present. At 18.00, he will meet with Commission President von der Leyen, Council President Michel and Chancellor Merkel to start negotiations on the MFF and Next Generation EU. On Thursday at 11.30, he will have a videoconference with French Republic State Secretary, Amélie de Montchalin, and on Saturday, he will deliver a video message to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Srebrenica Genocide (Memorial Hall Srebrenica-Potočari).

Press briefing. The EP Press Service will hold a press briefing on the week’s activities at 17:00 on Tuesday, in the “Anna Politkovskaya” EP press conference room and via skype.