The Week Ahead 24 – 30 April 2023

Corporate sustainability. The Legal Affairs Committee will adopt its position on the proposal for so-called corporate sustainability due diligence. The draft bill aims at minimising the adverse impact that companies’ activities can have on people and the planet, such as child labour, labour exploitation, pollution and biodiversity loss. The new rules would require firms to identify and end or mitigate their negative impact on human rights and the environment (Tuesday).

Renewal of trade concessions for Ukraine. MEPs in the International Trade Committee will vote on a proposal to extend the suspension of EU import duties on Ukrainian exports. It should apply for a period of one year from the expiry date of the current measures, 6 June 2023 (Wednesday). The Agriculture Committee will hold a debate with Ukraine’s Deputy Minister for Agrarian Policy and Food Markian Dmytrasevych on Monday.

Defence industry/common procurement. The Industry and the Foreign Affairs committees will vote on a new EU instrument to incentivise the joint purchase of defence products by member states. The proposal aims to address EU needs in the area of defence products, especially the gaps revealed in the EU’s response to Russian aggression. A press conference will take place at 15:00 (Tuesday).

Fit for 55/Methane emissions in the energy sector. The Environment and the Industry committees will adopt their position on the first-ever EU legislation on methane emissions reductions in the energy sector. The proposed legislation would cover methane emissions from oil, fossil gas and coal sectors, and from renewable biomethane once it is injected in the gas network (Wednesday).

2024 European Elections/Disinformation. The Special Committee on Foreign Interference will adopt its proposals to fight against malicious foreign actors, particularly Russia and China, using information manipulation to interfere in democratic processes. It is expected that foreign interference and disinformation will continue with increasing intensity in the run-up to the European Parliament elections in 2024 (Wednesday).

Sexual harassment in the EU. The Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee will vote on a draft resolution evaluating what EU institutions and member states have done to fight against sexual harassment since the start of the MeToo movement and suggesting what measures should be taken in the near future (Tuesday).


EU Textiles Strategy. Environment Committee MEPs are expected to call for EU legislation to make sure that clothes are not produced at the cost of environmental destruction and human lives. The draft text provides for measures to guarantee that only textiles that meet minimum sustainability standards should be imported into the EU or produced within the EU (Thursday).

President’s diary. EP President Roberta Metsola will be in Prague on Monday to participate in the Conference of Speakers of the EU Parliaments, including holding a doorstep press point (TBC) and participating in the session on “Russian aggression against Ukraine and the EU response in a broader geopolitical context”. On Tuesday, at the same conference, President Metsola will deliver a keynote speech at the session on the “Role of the EU in global cooperation of democracies and the issue of EU Member States’ dependence on totalitarian regimes”. On Wednesday, the EP President will travel to Copenhagen to meet with Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and participate with her in an event called “Europe, what next? Dealing with dilemmas from Climate to War and Migration”. President Metsola will also meet with Danish students, the Presidium of the Danish Parliament and members of the parliament’s committees on EU affairs, defence and foreign affairs. On Thursday, in Copenhagen, she will join a town hall discussion with students.