The Week Ahead 26 October – 01 November 2020

MFF/Own Resources. Negotiations on future EU financing continue with two meetings scheduled between Parliament and Council. MEPs defend real top-ups for 15 flagship EU programmes for the benefit of citizens, students, researchers, businesses, health workers and many others, as well as new sources of revenue for the EU budget in order to save EU countries money (Monday, Wednesday).

Rule of Law. 
Parliament, Council and Commission will continue their talks on the rule of law conditionality regulation, which may lead to member states having their EU funding suspended or cut if they do not respect fundamental rights. Parliament’s key demand is an effective mechanism that can be applied in practice (Tuesday).

2021 EU Budget. The Budgets Committee will adopt Parliament’s priorities for next year’s EU budget. MEPs want to boost funding for programmes and projects that will support the young, researchers, health workers, entrepreneurs as well as transport infrastructure, agriculture, fundamental rights, security and external action (Wednesday).

The Budgets and Economic and Monetary Affairs committees will vote to reinforce the existing EU investment support mechanism for 2021-2027, to help EU companies and ensure private investment for medium- and long-term priorities, such as the Green Deal and the digital transition (Wednesday).

Protecting EU’s products in China. 
The International Trade Committee will have its final vote on the EU and China agreement to mutually protect over 200 products with geographical indications. These include Cava, Champagne, Feta, Irish whiskey, Münchener Bier, Ouzo, Polska Wódka, Porto, Prosciutto di Parma and Queso Manchego. For the agreement to enter into force, Parliament consent is required (Tuesday).

COVID-19 and EU values. 
The Civil Liberties Committee will vote on a report assessing the emergency measures adopted by EU countries to fight against the pandemic and their impact on democracy, the rule of law, and fundamental rights (Tuesday).

Migration/Greek islands. 
The Civil Liberties Committee will take stock of the situation at the Greek islands following the fire that destroyed the Moria refugee camp and left around 12,000 asylum-seekers homeless, most of whom were moved to the urgently-established, temporary Kara Tepe camp (Tuesday).

EU “right to repair”.
 The Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee will vote to ask the Commission to establish a consumers’ “right to repair”. This would aim to promote a culture of reuse, making repairs cost-efficient, as well as sustainable production, business models and consumption. (Monday)

Initiatives on Artificial intelligence. 
MEPs from the new special committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age (AIDA) will hold a debate with Commissioners Breton and Vestager on the EU data strategy and Commission’s white paper on AI. They will also discuss initiatives taken within the OECD with Andrew W. Wyckoff – its Director for Science, Technology and Innovation (Monday and Tuesday).

European Gender Equality Week
. To mark the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the European Parliament, at the initiative of its Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee, decided to hold for the first time a European Gender Equality Week from Monday 26 to Thursday 29 October. Several EP Committees will hold debates and hearings on topics related to gender equality.

President’s diary
. President Sassoli will have a video meeting with the Presidents of Switzerland’s two Federal Chambers Isabelle Moret and Hans Stöckli, on Tuesday. He will have a video meeting with European Ombudsman, Ms Emily O’Reilly, and chair the third debate of the cycle “Ideas for a new world” on “Internet access as a human right” with Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and former Commission President and Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi, on Wednesday.