The Week Ahead 29 May – 04 June 2023

Plenary session / committee meetings, Brussels

Plenary session

European elections/foreign interference. MEPs are set to call for a coordinated EU strategy against foreign interference, information manipulation and attacks on democracy, particularly from Russia and China, to protect the European elections and increase the EU’s resilience against such attacks. A press conference with lead MEPs is scheduled at 13.00 (debate and vote Thursday).

Ammunition for Ukraine. On Thursday, MEPs will adopt their position on the proposal to urgently deliver ammunition and missiles to Ukraine and to help member states refill their stocks. Once Parliament has voted on its position, negotiations with Council can start with the aim of adopting the act in the July plenary.

Companies’ impact on human rights and environment. Parliament will debate on Wednesday and vote on Thursday on new draft due diligence rules requiring companies to prevent, end or mitigate the negative impact that their activities have on human rights and the environment, such as on child labour, slavery, pollution or biodiversity loss. A press conference by the rapporteur is scheduled at 14.00, after the votes.

Hungary/Rule of law/Fundamental rights. On Wednesday, MEPs will debate the latest developments in Hungary regarding alleged breaches to the rule of law and fundamental rights and frozen EU funds. Ahead of Hungary taking over the rotating Council presidency in the second half of 2024, MEPs are set to question whether its government is fit to fulfil its duties. A press conference with lead MEPs is scheduled at 11.00 on Wednesday; a resolution will be put to the vote on Thursday.

MeToo/sexual harassment. Evaluating what EU institutions and countries have done so far to combat sexual harassment, MEPs are set to call for better reporting procedures and more support for victims. (debate Wednesday, vote Thursday)

Ending fast fashion. On Thursday, MEPs are set to adopt their recommendations for tougher EU measures to halt the excessive production and consumption of textiles. On Wednesday afternoon, EP President Roberta Metsola will make a statement on the 10-year anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh, followed by one round of political group speakers.

President of Georgia/formal sitting. On Wednesday afternoon, the President of Georgia Salome Zourabichvili will address MEPs in a formal sitting in the Brussels hemicycle.

Committee meetings

Integrity, transparency and accountability in the European Parliament. The Special Committee on foreign interference and the strengthening of integrity, transparency and accountability in the European Parliament (ING2) will adopt its final recommendations on the reform of Parliament’s rules on transparency, integrity, accountability and anti-corruption (Thursday).

President’s Diary. President Metsola will travel on Monday to Slovakia, where she will meet President Zuzana Čaputová, take part in the Globsec2023 Bratislava Forum and attend a ceremony at the Memorial to Ján Kuciak and Martina Kušnírová. On Tuesday, she will also meet with Interim Prime Minister of Slovakia Ľudovít Ódor. On Tuesday afternoon in Brussels, she will meet Dutch Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wopke Hoekstra. On Wednesday, she will hold a bilateral meeting with Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili. President Metsola will travel on Thursday to Moldova to attend the European Political Community Summit.

Press briefing. Spokespersons for the European Parliament will hold a last-minute online press briefing on the 31 May – 1 June plenary session at 14.30 on Wednesday.