Special Event – How to design marketplace-related provisions in the Digital Services Act for the benefit of consumers, traders and platforms

Speakers: Piech Magdalena, Wehrhahn Carolin, Verkerk Marjolein, Barateau Cécile, Borlea Daniela
Moderator: Fragomeni Cesare

on behalf of the following EUTA marketplaces

We are pleased to invite you to participate in an online workshop which will be held on the 16th of November 2021 at 16:00 and will last around one hour and a half.

In December 2020, the European Commission proposed an ambitious reform of the digital space which included a comprehensive set of new rules for all digital services, including online marketplaces and other online platforms that operate in the European Union.

With the Digital Services Act (DSA), the European Commission aims to create a modern rulebook across the single market which shall increase online safety of European consumers.

This workshop is a timely opportunity to discuss the question of how to balance obligations for online platforms to achieve the legislative goal and at the same time not to impede the competitiveness of European players on the digital single market.

To guarantee the right choice of products and services for European consumers it is necessary to discuss how European  e-commerce platforms will operate in the foreseeable future, with special regard to the questions of their liability exemption, Know Your Business Customer (KYBC) obligations and the online marketplace definition.


Welcome to the audience


Introduction of the speakers

Magdalena Piech, Regulatory Affairs Director, Allegro, Chair of EUTA

Carolin Wehrhahn, Director, EU Public Affairs, Adevinta

Marjolein Verkerk, Manager for Corporate Affairs, bol.com

Cécile Barateau, Director for External Relations, Cdiscount

Daniela Borlea, Head of EU Affairs, eMAG

European Tech Alliance’s (EUTA) representatives session

Defining prerequisites for liability exemption to safeguard open and fair marketplace model

KYBC obligations which do not create entry barriers for traders

A future-proof definition of online marketplaces

Q&A Session & Conclusive remarks

17:00 – 17.30

The event will be moderated by Cesare Fragomeni, EUTA Secretariat