Opinion & Analysis

A plea for European pragmatism: Looking ahead towards the European Parliament Elections 2024

How to ensure a powerful EU in these turbulent geopolitical times? Is further enlargement the solution, or precisely not? And how much of a say should member states have regarding EU policy? Adriaan Schout sees ‘integration’ becoming a prominent theme as we head towards European Parliament elections in June. 

Major cross-border issues are forcing the EU to demonstrate its added value. What to do about European defence, now that the United States is withdrawing? How do we stop the deterioration of the natural environment? Other parts of the world are investing heavily in industry politics; how will Europe respond? Migration continues to pose a headache. The official European story is that such developments require greater powers for the EU, a higher EU budget, Eurobonds and a pan-European tax system. According to traditional federalists, it is time to acknowledge that only a transfer of sovereignty can put an end to fragmentation and friction between EU member states.

About the Author:

Prof. Dr. Adriaan Schout is Senior Research Fellow. Adriaan Schout has been appointed Professor of European Public Administration at the Faculty of Management Sciences of Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.


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