🔴LIVE - #FutureOfEurope: #Draghi calls for EU common borrowing, end to national vetoes to compete with #China, #US by @jackschickler | Euronews
What is the long-awaited Draghi report on EU competitiveness?
The ex-Italian premier has form for saving the economy “whatever it takes” — but who will pay for his plans?
[Opinion] #FutureOfEurope: Europe won’t achieve its growth aims without more integrated policymaking. The way the commission and member states currently operate undermines the bloc’s economic objectives, by @AranchaGlezLaya | Financial Times
Europe won’t achieve its growth aims without more integrated policymaking
The way the commission and member states currently operate undermines the bloc’s economic objectives
#DraghiReport: #Europe’s Draghi report unleashed: These are the 5 things to watch, by @GioFaggionato | Poltico
Europe’s Draghi report unleashed: These are the 5 things to watch
A blueprint to make the EU more competitive with the rest of the world is published on Monday. It’s likely to prove controversial.
[Featured] #GlobalEurope: How the #DraghiReport could affect future #EU-#US relations, by @alex_owski, @SarantisMich & Thomas Moller-Nielsen | Euractiv
How the Draghi report could affect future EU-US relations
The Italian technocrat’s policy proposals, set to be released on Monday (9 September), are likely to profoundly sh...