Press Release: PubAffairs Bruxelles announces the official start of an editorial partnership with the CER – Centre for European Reform.


PubAffairs Bruxelles announces the official start of an editorial partnership with CER.

Brussels, 09.10.2023. PubAffairs Bruxelles is pleased to announce that it has officially entered into an editorial partnership with the Centre for European Reform (CER), a think-tank devoted to making the European Union work better and strengthening its role in the world. The CER aims to promote an open, outward-looking and effective European Union. 

The CER will contribute to the Opinion and Analysis section of PubAffairs’ website, which was conceived to enable readers to go deeper into cutting-edge matters discussed across Europe and globally. This is in line with what the CER strives to do as they follow the European economy, the EU’s single market and its energy and trade policies. CER also studies the European Union’s foreign, defence and security policies – including its relations with its neighbours, and with Russia and China; its approach to refugees and migration; co-operation on law-enforcement and counter-terrorism; the functioning of the EU’s institutions; and the state of democracy in Europe. Since the Brexit referendum, the CER has played an active part in developing viable and practicable proposals on the UK’s future links with the EU.

“It is essential to gather all perspectives regarding the EU policy-making process. The CER, from its position of being pro-European but not uncritical, can provide a valuable perspective on EU-related matters. For this reason, PubAffairs Bruxelles welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with the CER as an editorial partner.” – Massimiliano Gobbato, Communications Director, PubAffairs Bruxelles.

“At the Centre for European Reform, we pride ourselves on being at the centre of policy and political debates in Europe and elsewhere, whether by suggesting ways for the EU to work better, thinking how the EU can cope with a more divided world, or advancing proposals to make Europe´s economy more robust while up-holding the twin digital and green transitions. We are delighted to partner with PubAffairs Bruxelles so our research and ideas can reach an even wider audience” – Camino Mortera-Martínez, Head of the Brussels office, Centre for European Reform.   

Along with daily updates on the most relevant EU institutional and EU-related media news covering the most important aspects of EU policymaking, PubAffairs Bruxelles’ community of practitioners, experts, and active citizens will continue to benefit from its website and the Opinion and Analysis section, which features a wide range of policy areas from the economy, finance, digitalisation, energy, climate, and trade to better regulation, education, foreign policy and the European integration process at large.

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