Thank you for attending our debate ‘Sustainable City solutions: a central pillar for the next phase of the EU energy transition?’

PubAffairs Bruxelles was delighted to host on the 20th of June the debate ‘Sustainable City solutions: a central pillar for the next phase of the EU energy transition?’ between our distinguished speakers Mr Dimitrios Sofianopoulos, New Energy Technologies, Innovation and Clean Coal, European Commission, DG ENERG, Ms Dorthe Nielsen, Policy Director, Eurocities, Mr Adrian Joyce, Secretary General, European Alliance of Companies for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EuroACE) and Mr Marco Marijewycz, Technology Policy & Modelling, E.ON.

We would like to thank our distinguished guests, our sponsor, E.ON, and our moderator, Hughes Belin, freelance journalist, for allowing this debate to take place.

We hope that all the contributors, attendees, as well as our present and future members will join us for our next debate.

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