Alex Katsaitis is Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, Stockholm University. His research focuses on the interaction between policymakers and organized interests, decision-making procedures, and transnational partisan linkages. He aims to improve government policymaking through evidence-based recommendations in the areas of governance, transparency, and accountability. His work appears in academic journals such as the Journal of European Public Policy, Public Administration, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, International Affairs, European Union Politics, and the Journal of Public Affairs. He has also published a co-authored monograph on “Business Lobbying in the EU” (with David Coen, and Matia Vannoni) with Oxford University Press. Alex has been involved in policy-oriented projects for institutions such as the European Parliament, and IDEA. Before joining the SU, Alex held posts at the London School of Economics & Political Science, the European University Institute, and the University of Oslo.