Assessing health technology in the EU: Commission proposes to reinforce cooperation amongst Member States

Today the Commission has put forward a proposal to boost cooperation amongst EU Member States for assessing health technology. Greater transparency will empower patients, by ensuring their access to information on the added clinical value of new technology that could potentially benefit them. More assessments could lead to effective, innovative health tools reaching patients faster. For national authorities it means being able to formulate policies for their health systems based on more robust evidence. Furthermore, manufacturers will no longer have to adapt to different national procedures. Vice-President Katainen said: “Reinforcing Health Technology Assessment co-operation at EU level boosts innovation and improves competitiveness of the medical industry. The healthcare sector is a crucial part of our economy, it accounts for approximately 10% of the EU’s GDP. We are proposing a regulatory framework that will bring benefits to patients all over Europe, whilst encouraging innovation, helping the take-up of high-quality medtech innovations and improving the sustainability of health systems across the EU.” Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis, added: “Today, the Commission has put the wheels in motion for better quality, innovative healthcare for the benefit of patients, especially those with unmet medical needs. I also expect this initiative to result in a more efficient use of resources by Member States through the pooling of resources and exchanges of expertise, thereby avoiding duplications in the assessment of the identical products”. A press release is available in all languages and a Q&A in EN, FR and DE.