Commission announces 2023 Gender Equality Champions in Research & Innovation

The Commission has announced the three institutions winning the Gender Equality Champions Award for 2023: the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), from France; the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, from Spain; as well as the Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest, from Ireland. Each winner will receive a prize of €100,000.

Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, said: “I warmly congratulate the winners of the Horizon Europe Award for Gender Equality Champions. Their remarkable achievements in creating more gender-equal working environments are an inspiration to organisations across the European Research Area. I look forward to hearing how our new champions will team up and strengthen the Champions League initiated last year with the first edition of this prize!” 

The EU Award for Gender Equality Champions, an annual recognition prize launched in 2022, is the European Commission’s initiative to recognise and celebrate the outstanding results achieved by European academic and research organisations through the implementation of Gender Equality Plans. It is meant to complement and boost the Gender Equality Plan eligibility criterion, as well as to be an incentive to advance inclusive gender equality plans and policies in the framework of the new European Research Area (ERA).