Consumer protection: AliExpress commits to bringing terms and practices in line with EU consumer rules

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), working closely with the Commission and the European network of national consumer protection (CPC) authorities, has obtained commitments from AliExpress to ensure compliance with EU consumer rights. The Commission and several European consumer organisations had brought to the attention of consumer protection authorities, a number of unfair terms and practices by the online market place, which enables traders mainly from China to sell goods to consumers worldwide. The changes include the respect of the right of withdrawal and legal guarantees, for example for faulty goods, also by its listed traders. In addition, the online marketplace will improve transparency on the ranking of offers and the presentation of prices, in particular by informing consumers, in a prominent way, that additional costs linked to customs clearance may apply. Didier Reynders, Commissioner for Justice, said: “Online shopping is developing even faster than before the pandemic. We have to protect our consumers and make sure that all sellers active on the European market respect our rules. I welcome the efforts made by AliExpress to ensure this also for their business partners.” In addition, AliExpress committed to making their General Terms and Conditions clearer for consumers as required under EU law, by no later than 1 May 2021. You can find more information in the ACM’s press release (in Dutch and English) and here.