Crisis management: emergency aid and medical staff mobilised via EU Civil Protection Mechanism

The Commission continues to coordinate assistance to countries requesting EU support on various fronts. Responding to Slovakia’s request for medical staff to help treat COVID-19 patients, Denmark has offered to send three doctors and five nurses via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. Belgium has offered to deploy one doctor, two nurses and a team leader to Slovakia. Commissioner Lenarčič welcomes these offers as another tangible example of EU solidarity in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Furthermore, Spain and France are sending emergency support to Equatorial Guinea, following the country’s request through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism following the series of fatal explosions at a military base in Bata, Equatorial Guinea, on 7 March. The blasts have caused loss of life, left hundreds of people wounded and led to extensive damage to residential buildings and a newly built hospital. Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič said: “I would like to express my condolences to those that lost family members and friends in the tragic explosions in Equatorial Guinea. I thank Spain and France for their prompt offers of the much-needed assistance.  The EU stands ready to provide further support as needed.” The assistance by Spain and France will support health services in first aid response. It includes a Spanish medical team specialised in trauma and surgery, medical equipment, and medicines, and a French medical post with capacity to treat 250 heavily wounded people, emergency medical material and kits, personal protective equipment and tents equipped with kitchen kits.  In addition to coordinating the dispatch of the material through the Mechanism, the EU will be covering up to 75% of the transport costs of the consignment. The EU is also providing support with expertise from EU Member States to be associated to United Nations relief efforts in Bata.