India: EU Civil Protection Mechanism continues to coordinate emergency supplies

The EU Civil Protection Mechanism continues to coordinate additional EU assistance to India, which is facing a tremendous increase in COVID-19 cases. Last week, the European Union announced the offers of support made by Ireland, Belgium, Romania, Luxembourg, Portugal, Sweden, France, Italy, Austria and Finland with other Member States pooling resources of urgently needed medical supplies for India. Additional emergency support packages from Czechia, Denmark, Spain, the Netherlands and Germany via the EU Mechanism have since been offered to India. This includes support from  Czechia, 500 oxygen cylinders; Denmark, 53 ventilators; Spain, 119 oxygen concentrators and 145 ventilators; Netherlands, 100 oxygen concentrators, 30,000 vials of antiviral drugs, Remdesivir and 449 ventilators; Germany, 15,000 vials antiviral drugs, 516 ventilators and 1 oxygen generator. ”I am proud to say EU Member States are providing substantial help part of Team Europe effort to show our solidarity with India at this very difficult time, offering critical oxygen, ventilators and antiviral drugs to our Indian friends. Collective action is the only solution if we want to win our fight against the pandemic,” said Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič. The European Commission’s 24/7 Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) is closely monitoring developments and stands ready to channel further support as required. The Commission co-finances the transport and coordinates the delivery of assistance.