New EU project to support readiness for vaccination efforts and resilient health systems in the Western Balkans

The European Union in partnership with the World Health Organisation (WHO) has launched a new regional project worth over €7 million to support safe and effective vaccination of the populations across the Western Balkans. This project will help to prepare the region for the effective reception and administration of COVID-19 vaccines, including those received from COVAX and through the EU vaccine sharing mechanism with EU Member States. It will also help improve the region’s resilience against health emergencies, and support it in moving towards sustainable funding for universal health care. Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, Olivér Várhelyicommented: “With this new project to support vaccination campaigns in the Western Balkans in partnership with the WHO, the EU continues to deliver on its commitment to support our partners in dealing with the pandemic since its start. The project comes on top of our €70 million package to support access to vaccines for the region and to procure the necessary equipment for the campaigns.” More information is available in the press release, the factsheet on the EU’s response to COVID-19 and the Commission Communication on the support to the Western Balkans in tackling COVID-19 and post-pandemic recovery.