President Juncker participates in Tripartite Social Summit

This afternoon, President Juncker will participate in the Tripartite Social Summit taking place in Brussels. He will be accompanied by Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue, Valdis Dombrovskis, and Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Marianne Thyssen. The Tripartite Social Summit is a biannual opportunity for a constructive exchange of views between representatives from European employee and employer organisations, the European Commission, the European Council, the EU Heads of State or Government and Employment and Social Affairs Ministers from the countries holding the current and upcoming Council of the EU Presidencies. This edition is entitled “The future of Europe: charting the course towards growth, employment and fairness”. Following the presentation of the Commission’s White Paper on the Future of Europe, and ahead of the European Council on 9 and 10 March where topics such as jobs, growth and competitiveness will be discussed, participants at the Social Summit will exchange views on new forms of work and the future of industry, the European Pillar of Social Rightsand the role of the social partnersin the EU decision-making processand reflections on the future of Europe. In addition, at 13:30, in the margins of the Summit, President Juncker will attend the signature ceremony of the EU social partners’ autonomous framework agreement on active ageing and an inter-generational approach, in the presence of President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, and Prime Minister of Malta, Joseph Muscat.