Public consultation identifies priority areas for standards in the EU

The Commission published today the first results of its public consultation on standards in the Digital Single Market. Standards are important tools to make different systems work together – across countries and sectors. Common technical specifications forproducts and services ensure interoperability, increase safety and reduce costs. They boost innovation as well as the digital development and competitiveness of European industry. The respondents to the public consultation highlighted the importance of standards to adapt quickly and effectively to new technologies. They identified cybersecurity, the Internet of Things, the data economy, cloud and eHealth as top priority areas where standards should be developed. A full analysis of the public consultation will be published shortly. As part of its Single Market and Digital Single Market strategies, the Commission will issue a Communication setting priorities for ICT standardisation in April. It also works with relevant stakeholders with a view to adopting a Joint Initiative on Standardisation in June. More information can be found here.