Thank you for attending our debate ETS and renewables: a win-win strategy?

PubAffairs Bruxelles was delighted to host on the 21st of March the debate ETS and renewables: a win-win strategy? between our distinguished speakers Mr Peter Zapfel, Head of Unit, ETS Policy Development and Auctioning, European Commission, Mr Ruud Kempener, Policy Officer, Renewables and CCS Policy Unit, European Commission, Mr Florent Le Strat, Researcher and Expert, Climate policy R&D, EDF, Mr Daniel Fraile, Senior Analyst, Wind Europe and Mr Michel Matheu, Head of EU strategy, EDF.

We would like to thank our distinguished guests, or sponsor, EDF, as well as our moderator Hughes Belin, freelance journalist, for having allowed this debate to take place.

We hope that all the contributors, attendees, as well as our present and future members will join us for our next debate.

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