Thank you for attending the debate “Would a more consistent EU policy on biofuels support the agricultural sector and fast-track the transition to a low-carbon economy? “

PubAffairs Bruxelles was delighted to host on the 22nd of May 2024 the event “Would a more consistent EU policy on biofuels support the agricultural sector and fast-track the transition to a low-carbon economy?” an afternoon of discussion regarding a more coherent EU policy on biofuels for the next legislative term with our distinguished speakers Mr Luc Pelkmans, Technical Coordinator, IEA Bioenergy; Mr Patrick Pagani, Deputy Secretary General, Copa-Cogeca; Mr Joao Pacheco, Senior Fellow, Farm Europe and Ms Valérie Corre, Director Regulatory Affairs Alcohol/Ethanol EU, Tereos and ePURE Board.

We would like to thank our event partner ePURE as well as our moderator Sarantis Michalopoulos, Senior Network Editor, Euractiv for having allowed this debate to take place.

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