Commission to adopt 2018 Work Programme and review progress of its Better Regulation Agenda

Following on from the announcements made in President Juncker’s 2017 State of the Union Address, the European Commission will adopt today its 2018 Work Programme, presenting its plans for completing the work on President Juncker’s ten political priorities before the end of its mandate, as well as a series of forward-looking initiatives for the future of Europe. The Commission will also review progress under and set out the next steps to complete our Better Regulation Agenda. Better Regulation underpins the Commission’s work to deliver on President Juncker’s 10 political priorities, ensuring that the Commission acts only where the EU brings added value, and does so in the least burdensome way possible. After the adoption by the College this afternoon, the Commission will publish a Press Release and a Memo on the Work Programme and a Press Release on the Better Regulation Communication.