Forward look: 28 March – 10 April 2022

European Union, 2022European Union, 2022

Overview of the main topics and events at the Council of EU and European Council for the coming fortnight

Extraordinary Justice and Home Affairs Council, 28 March 2022

Home affairs ministers will discuss European coordination for the reception of Ukrainian refugees.

Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (Health), 29 March 2022

The meeting of health ministers will focus on the health and humanitarian situation as regards Ukraine and discuss the European strategy on vaccine solidarity. 

Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council, 4-5 April 2022

The Council will adopt recommendations on building bridges for effective European higher education cooperation and the mobility of young volunteers across the European Union.

Economic and Financial Affairs Council, 5 April 2022

The Council will discuss a global minimum tax level for large multinational corporations, and the economic and financial aspects of the war in Ukraine.

Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 7 April 2022

Agriculture and fisheries ministers will meet to discuss carbon farming, food security and the land use and forestry regulation.